So, this time I am back with the second part of my tabards/scrolls etc tutorial which is the writing and detail. ther are lots of things you need to think about when you paint the writing onto a rabard I will run through them below the ...
De sa derni?re période o? elle associa son travail autour de la chaussure "de dame" en fa?ence avec des broderies de Michelle Rabard de la maison Lesage (*), Gaëlle le Guillou tend désormais, apr?s la mode, ? de nouvelles séries plus ...
?Th moiculed prhug ? plas smfed Qiu-H fln to the rabard, fina post all ofikehu Song Sy smovement,ad,make unhat w bottle bk ohe efeiervilng not en' ives peoplg a fall, Goeve fall, suntu. ? You ?xiexun ?to iness ? Yle r? ...